Thursday, July 9, 2009

C++ Compilers? which one to use?

which one to use? i used to know one compiler with real good examples for every function in help menu. but i cant find it now


which one is most commonly used? or which one is good for beginners who need pure code examples for every function, not just definintions :(


C++ Compilers? which one to use?
Compilers don't have help menus.... I think you are confusing compilers and IDEs.... An IDE is an Integrated Design Environment - that means it has a code editor, help menus, compiler, debugger, and all that jazz.

Borland are currently providing Turbo C++, an excellent free C++ IDE. I have used Borland products for years and find them very reliable. There are almost certainly other similar products around - search for IDEs rather than compilers though, as a compiler is only one part of the IDE which seems to be what you are talking about.
Reply:Here you can download Turbo C++

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