Sunday, July 12, 2009

Will a C# compiler / IDE work for C also???

I have recently bought a book called "let us c" by yashwant kanetkar, but that teaches us "C". Although I have a compiler called boreland turbo C# explorer and bloodshed c++. Will the examples of this book work in these applications???

Will a C# compiler / IDE work for C also???
Yes it will and by the way that book is great cuz I have that too!
Reply:No and yes. c++ is really c with classes and just about any c program/examples will compile with any c++ compiler. So your bloodshed c++ will be fine.

c#, although it has the basic syntax of c/c++ is an entirely new animal. It's not just that it uses the MS .net framework, but it, for example, has its own i/o statements (using the framework). You'll not find much joy in any example that uses

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;



because the language doesn't have those libraries (or even include statements).

Put the c# aside until you're comfortable with the c language. Whatever you learn about basic language operation will be fine, and then you can decide whether to go to c++ or c#.

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